Beauy Fencing, 671/677 Cusack Lane, Jimboomba

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Beauy Fencing is listed in the following categories: Establishment  


671/677 Cusack Lane, Jimboomba, Queensland 4280


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  • Shelly Cooper
    ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
    We decided to use Beauy Fencing as he supplied tempory fencing for our pool. We got a quote for our pool and side gates, he showed up with no tools or anything to dig with, to put the fence up. We had to loan him an auger, which he used for 2 days, which we supplied the petrol for. Then showed up 3 weeks later to put up the side gates up, still no tools! ended up putting the post in the wrong spot and the hinges on wrong. Which left a 20cm gap between the gates and 40cm away from the side fence. He texts me to say he was sorry, that he had put the hinges on wrong and couldn't fix it for another 2 weeks. Obviously he thought it was too hard, so he came back and dug the posts out leaving us with no side gates. Now he is asking for money 5 months later. HE OBVIOUSLY HAS NO WORK. check out the pics i uploaded to this page. GIVE BEAUY FENCING A BIG MISSS!
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Beauy Fencing is based in Jimboomba. Full address is 671/677 Cusack Lane. Australia postal code is 4280. We invite you to visit the official website of Beauy Fencing . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Beauy Fencing.
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Weather in Jimboomba, Queensland

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